Sonicare customer service news

Find the latest Sonicare news related to customer service below. We do our best to screen the news provided here for relevance and accuracy, but the links to articles found here are from 3rd parties so occassionally less pertinent materials get published. Please feel free to contact us to report other relevant articles, or to let us know of any material that should be removed.

Philips Sonicare for Kids Electric Toothbrush — Australian Review

I have an 8 year old son who, like most boys, hates to clean his teeth. Due to this plus the half-hearted attempt he was putting in when he did clean them, his teeth were getting a bit yellow — according to my dentist friend this was caused by plaque ...

Hands On: Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected

Philips has the latest in Bluetooth-connected oral hygiene technology: The Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected. For $199, you can use the high-tech brush's motion sensors to track your brushing technique and sync it with an app to immediately ...

Twoja zwykła szczoteczka elektryczna razy siedem, czyli Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean - recenzja Spider's Web

Innowacyjna technologia fal sonicznych, wyjątkowy design, wyróżniony nagrodą ADIA Design Award, jakość wykonania z najwyższej półki – żaden z tych opisów dotychczas nie pasował do… szczoteczki do zębów. A jednak dokładnie w ten sposób można ...

A Philips Sonicare Ad That Was 5000 Years in the Making

IDEA: You're an intelligent, civilized human who enjoys all the efficiencies of modern life. So why do you use knuckledragging technology to clean your teeth? That's Philips Sonicare's question to its target market. "They've taken the technological ...

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