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I am a disabled vet and suffer from severe back and neck pain due to an accident unrelated to my service disability. Every month I have my prescription of 300 methadone tablets filled at one of you pharmacies in the Tri-City area of Washington State. Quite often one of the stores may not have the enough of pills I need, so I have to call around to find the store that has the full amount.

The last time my prescription was to be filled on June 5, 2016 (the prescription was to be filled on June 6) I took the prescription to your store on Lee Street in Richland, WA. The pharmacist on duty assured me he had enough of the pills to fill the prescription! However, when my wife went to pick up the prescription, the next day on June 6, 2016 the same pharmacist told my wife he did not have enough pills to fill the prescription!

When my wife got back home, I called this pharmacist and ask why he had told me he had enough methadone to fill my prescription on June 5 and then when my wife came to pick up the prescription there was not a sufficient amount of the pills to totally fill the prescription the next day June 6, 2016. He stated that he could not hold back enough to fill my prescription, therefore, he had sold it out from under me, EVEN THOUGH HE HAD MY PRESCRIPTION IN HAND AND KNOWING THIS WOULD CAUSE A TREMENDOUS INCONVENIENCE to my wife and me. Further, he failed to even be courteous enough to call me and notify me when he did this occurred which would have given my wife and I the opportunity to make other arrangements. He mumbled some bureaucratic irrational gobbledygook that began the beginning of a frustrating and emotionally depressing journey through a land of incompetence.

He then offered to partially fill the prescription, this which would necessitate my going back to my doctor and getting another prescription, so I could get the balance of the prescription filled somewhere else; a tremendous inconvenience to me, being disabled, as well as causing extra work for my doctor! Plus, having me or my wife, to chase all over town trying to fill the prescription; since none of the Rite Aid stores in the Tri-Cities had enough of the methadone. This resulted in my wife going to Walgreens store closer to our house. There, we went through the same thing. Out of desperation, we let Walgreens partially fill the prescription, and I was the caused to go back to my doctor to get another prescription. All this because your Rite aid pharmacist at the Rite Aid store sold my prescription right out from under me!

After filling part of the prescription at Walgreens, I went back to my doctor and got another prescription for the remaining amount pills which could not be filled. On June 11, my wife went to the Steptoe Street Rite Aid pharmacy in Richland, WA and tried to fill the rest of the number not filled and was given the runaround by the pharmacist, after suffering an shovel full of more gobbledygook saying that store policy prevented him from filling the remainder of the prescription until June 23. Not the insurance company, but your arbitrary and capricious policy!

That was strike three: your out.

My wife and I try to exclusively shop at you Rite Aid stores on Richland, WA; and at these stores, we spend thousands of dollars ($3,200 for 2015, after insurance payment) a year. WE ARE REWARDED FOR THIS LOYALTY BY BUREAUCRATIC AND UNSOLICITOUS TREATMENT RESULTING IN MY RUNNING ALL OVER TOWN SUFFERING IN PAIN AND EMOTIONAL STRESS. The only place I have received worse treatment was from the VA -- and if you read the news, you know how bad that is.

If this were a one-time incident, I would let it pass; however, that is not the case here. So if we can find an efficient pharmacy which will provide both efficient and expert pharmaceutical care combined with an adequate element of solicitousness and compassion for those suffering with chronic pain. This particularly for who are disabled from serving our country.

Respectfully submitted.

C Robert Huntington

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