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This is the worst customer "support" ever. I AM DONE. All I wanted was blue flames for my Halo: Reach avatar. Don't even attempt to get through to them. They won't do anything. They don't really care about you. If you do succeed in getting an email from them, it's automated, general, and doesn't answer your questions. I have been trying to get my password back for like a week. 5-6 days. I stopped counting. And those are just the days I went online and asked for help; that doesn't include the ridiculous amount of time it took for me to get the useless automated replies. NEVER again am I going to try to be nice when companies' customer support sucks. I'm never this harsh. Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh? After a week of trying to deal with robots over the phone and online and some rude lady with a heavy accent, (probably getting paid 5 cents an hour in a different country,) I'm done. I hope you have a better time than I did and I sincerely hope you have a nice day. I'll pray for you right now.

Okay, now, to be fair, I'll explain my ratings.
Reachability: 1 because unless you like talking to robots, you're out of luck
Cancellation/Return Process: 1 because it was misleading, confusing, and obviously unhelpful
Issue Resolution: 1 because... What resolution?
Friendliness: 2 because at least the robots didn't hang up on me
Product/Service Knowledge: 2 because the lady transferred me to the wrong department

P.S. I just got a wonderfully stupid email from them recommending that I make a new account instead of recovering the old one. Helpful. The funny thing is that if I did, THAT WOULD DEFEAT THE WHOLE PURPOSE. I need this account because it's linked to my gamertag and I don't really feel like regaining all of my progress in all of the games I've ever played. I think I'll politely tell the robot that now.

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