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I want to let everyone know how hard it is to get sodastream products at my local Staples. For weeks now they have had nothing. Went 2 times last week to get my CO container refilled. They were out. Finally on Friday the lady I spoke to told me the truck would be in on Monday. She also explained it may take days to unload the truck. Heck I work in a store and know that if it took us that long it would be unexceptable in my companies eyes. I'm willing to help unload that truck so I can get my products. Otherwise I will be making a 45 minute trip to a Walmart to get my refills and flavors. Which is sad since the Staples is only 5 minutes from my house. I'm wondering if I should call Corporate and voice my concern on how slow they are to unload their trucks. Days??? Come on!

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