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I have been hours and hours trying to reach an american representative in the united states. Quick books enhanced payroll program calculated the wrong employee social security withholding from the employees but the 941 quarterly report has the correct numbers so the total numbers are not compatible. IRS will not like this. This needs to be corrected. I have called and called and called. I have been promised a return call that of course has never happened. The one time I did reach someone(Reno Nevada, US) she started to help then we were disconnected and she did not call back(as I am told they are supposed to). I kept trying with only promises that they(foreign countries - Phillipines,etc) would put in a request for a person to call to assist. I would receive a call in approx 3 hours from an american in the U.S. to help. Of couse the 3 hours has passed with promises from other agents to call. One even told me they were trying to call as we spoke but could not get through because he was talking to me. He had no intelligent response when he found out that we were not on the phone line they line they would call on. Apparently QUICK BOOKS NO LONGER CARES IF THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE(IRS). I am so tired and exhausted from all of this. So much for promises of speaking with an american to fix this problem. I absolutely cannot believe this has happened and no one at quick books even cares.

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