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To whom it may concern,
Could you please direct me to those in charge of this website?

I am finding in Canada, a large amount of bigotry and racial stigma on landlords advertising rentals.
On their website they will clearly write ASIAN ONLY/ KOREAN WELCOME ONLY / ONLY EAST ASIAN APPLY.... etc.
It is more than just oh they understand me better'.
Even if not specified on Post, when I called to inquire and they are most pleased with my references and nearly accepting me, once they see my melanocyte pigment is lighter (labeling as white') I am suddenly denied (although abrupt, they confess that's the only reason), or a couple landlords expressed I need to pay 200.00 dollars extra because I would be different from anyone else.

This is NOT a few... this was pages of phone calls and posts in the Toronto region.

I am bringing this to your attention, not only because it is interfering with my safety in searching for safe rentals, but because it is also a criminal act.

I myself, was born with a genetic mutation that makes me appear white', however, I was born & raised Asian and so thankful and proud to be Canadian (at this time I will not express which specific). I feel more angered by this because I am Canadian.
I feel empathy and concern for other Canadians or visitors who are truly white' (or a European descendant, mixed/etc) will be so effected emotionally as well as legally by such events and posts.

Please do not allow this to be an accepted crime.

Thank you for your time

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