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On Saturday Jan. 12th while returning home I decided to stop at a Staples in Burlington Iowa to see if they might have a Nexus 7 16gb tablet in stock. I spoke with the person in the computer department and he informed me that they were sold out. He did volunteer that they had a truck ‘come in’ and there might be some in that shipment. I asked him if he could check. He went to a computer terminal and said yes they are in this shipment. I asked if it was possible that someone could retrieve a tablet from the shipment. He then called the manager and spoke with him. He explained that it is secured because of the the value of the items on the pallet. And that once the seal is broken everything must be checked in which could take hours. I explained that I lived a one hour drive away and could return the following day on Sunday. He wrote down my name on a note requesting a tablet to be held for me until 3pm on Sunday.

On Sunday morning I called the store and spoke with someone else that knew of my noted request. I told him I would be driving to the store to purchase the tablet. He informed me that the pallet had not been opened yet but should be by the time I expected to arrive at 2pm on Sunday.

At about 2pm I go into the store and the customer service counter expecting to purchase the tablet. I was informed by the clerk that I had spoken with on the phone previously that they had not started unpacking the pallet. He then paged the manager on duty. I explained to her that I had been told the tablet would be available at that time.
She replied that ‘sometimes it takes days to unload the truck’ and showed no sympathy that I had just driven 60 miles to get there. She said that ‘no one should have told you that tablets are on the truck’ and that ‘they do not know what is in a shipment until they unpack it’.

I lost it! I told her it would be the last time I ever set foot in one of their stores and was sorry I had spent hundreds of dollars with them in the past.

I am a business owner. I purchased my business in 1989. I know what a bill of lading is. They know what is on that truck- every thumb tack. They would not be able to acquire insurance without knowing exactly what is on each shipment. There is no ‘truck’- it is just pallets in the warehouse. They would not tie up a truck for days ‘while they unload it.’ She insulted my intelligence. Then she insulted her staff by stating they should not have told me the item would be available. She in not a manager.

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