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I truly hope someone of importance from Staples or UPS reads this, actually more so Staples than UPS.
I just want to let everyone know BEWARE if you happen to ship something out of a Staples store using their ever so convienient UPS counter, and I will make it my mission to reach every social media or any outlet possible to let people know what they are getting...into!
Below is my story I will try not to make this too long

I shipped some tools (over 1k worth and insured them) from OH back to home out of one of these convieneint places back in August, because I didnt want to check them for the flight home.
When I didnt get the package after bout a week or so 'course I called the Staples store I shipped them from.
After being put on hold 3 times for 20 minutes at a pop, getting cut off twice I finally get a hold of someone at Staples and inquire about my package.
I was told that the box was recieved at the UPS shipping location but the contents were Mysteriously gone and the box was destroyed.
So I asked the person I talked to at the Staples store....so was anyone going to let me know about this?? and her answer was....well we usually tell people when they call looking for their "STUFF"
So fast forward, now I have to submit a claim which I am told I need to list each item with a description and a price and fax Staples the paper work and the claim will be processed in 7- 10 buisness days.
So I go one better....I go to a Home Depot website look up each item list them on a spread sheet with a model number and a price and submit the paper work.
So a few weeks go by and I dont hear anything and I call Staples.
Oh no they tell me we talked to UPS the claim is denied they only got one page of the paper work I will need to re-submit and the claim will be processed in 7-10 buisness days.
So once again I re-submit making sure everything goes thru , again after a few weeks I call Staples....Oh no they tell me you we spoke with UPS the claim is denied....you have to not only send the model number, price,but you also have to include a photo of each item.
So once again....off goes the paper work!!
Again after a few weeks I call Staples, Oh no they tell me UPS is still looking into the claim , and the claim will be processed in....blah, blah, blah
I even called Staples "Office of the President" number to vent my frustration and was told....we will look into this for you Mr. Brown (YEA RIGHT!!)
And let me add here you cant just call them and expect someone to answer right away be prepared to wait for anywhere from 15-20 minutes (or longer) before anyone picks up the phone.
I also tried to contact UPS through out this whole fiasco and was informed that since the package was shipped from Staples, even though I shipped it Staples is now the beno-facto shipper and I basically was SOL!! and I need to go thru Staples to get my claim settled
Anyhooo....after each one of these episodes do you think that I would get an email, or a phone call from Staples informing me of any progress of my claim....'course not....that would what I think people in the real world call CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!! and all I hear from Staples is...well UPS is denying the claim, UPS needs more paper work.....Wait a minute here!!! the way I look at this (and trust me I did inform the mirad of people I spoke with at Staples when I did get thru about my thoughts)in a nut shell.....
Staples hires UPS to do their shipping, UPS mysteriously losses a grand worth of my tools, UPS needs more paper work and now I have to jump thru all the hoops to get my re-imbursement for my tools from UPS????
Staples some advice here....when you hire someone to work for you....they actually do work for you its not the other way around.

So everyone basically Staples and UPS are playing the blame game here and I have yet to see any re-imbursement for my tools and who knows if or when I will, but as the gal in Staples "Office of the President" told me it is my right to complain to whom ever I feel fit it is my right as a customer, so I thought this would be a good place to start since no one in either of their organzations seems to be hearing me!!

I have checked again on the staus of my claim and AGAIN I keep hearing the same thing

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